PMBC Committee

Chris Park
President (2015 - 2022)
Life Member
Chris is the backbone of the club at this time and works tirelessly to deliver the XCO state series and other PMBC events.
I have loved bikes my whole life from my early beginnings with freestyle bmx and working at All Bikes N Gear in Kingsley in the mid to late 80’s. I discovered Mountain Biking in 2007 and was instantly addicted to the fun, adventure and outdoors nature of the sport. 10 years down the track I have done 5 Cape to Capes, multiple Dwellingup 100’s and countless XCO, Gravity Enduro and Marathon events. I take great pride in the work I do for the club in bringing quality MTB events and support to WA.

Neil Rattray
Vice President (2015 – 2022)
Life Member
A passionate supporter of all things Mountain Biking. Along with Chris Park, Neil will always be the first person to arrive and the last to leave any PMCB event. You can always find Neil in and around the PMBC timing tent (when he is not racing himself). He is always willing to help and answer any questions.
I only bought my first mountain bike in 2013, and was immediately hooked. Since I entered my first race I was blown away by the Mountain Biking scene, and how friendly everyone is in the community. Its been an absolute pleasure to be involved in PMBC, and am looking forward to organising and participating in all our future races.

Toni Jenkinson
Treasurer (2016 – 2022)
Life Member
Toni is our fantastic treasurer and the driving force behind our junior fund raising efforts across all of our PMBC events.
I love to support the club who has supported my Son Riley and all the other kids in achieving their MTB goals. Its great to see the work we do helping our juniors to get to the nationals and keep the PMBC Sprockets program going.

Megan Stalker
Secretary (2021 -2022)
Megan is one of the newer primary committee members doing the secretary role last year and into 2022. Megan also really supported the club in 2020 during the first hot of COVID through the XCOVID cup run in conjunction with her partner and general committee member Will Wishart.
Megan has really stepped up to support the club and XCVO racing and is a competent racer herself regularly on the podium. Megan has a strong passion for cycling of all types and is a valued member of the team

Mark Wardle
Junior development coordinator - since the dawn of time & Life Member
Mark is our long serving junior development coordinator along with being the current State coach. Mark has years of MTB racing experience along with running many events.
Mark and his lovely wife Jen also run Rock n Roll MTB delivering all sorts of MTB related activities, hire bikes and all manner of things MTB.
Mountain biking is my passion and my work. I love seeing juniors develop and promoting the MTB lifestyle. I am very proud to be part of the PMBC team that does so much for MTB in WA.

Chris Mullane
Trails Development (2015-2022)
Life Member
Chris is our Trails Advocate, currently representing the club as a member of the Goat Farm steering committee. He provides hands-on support with race day setup and is also involved in the background logistics of running the club.
I have grown up around cycling, riding BMX from the age of 12 & loving the freedom that riding a bike can provide. My family & I moved to the Perth Hills in 2006 & I started mountain biking back in 2008.Since then I have competed in countless XCO races & completed 5 Cape to Capes, several Dwellingup 100’s, many other marathon events in WA & interstate & even the odd gravity Enduro.I genuinely enjoy helping the club to stage our race events and also the friendships I have forged volunteering with a great team of people.
Chris is our Trails Advocate, currently representing the club as a member of the Goat Farm steering committee. He provides hands-on support with race day setup and is also involved in the background logistics of running the club.
I have grown up around cycling, riding BMX from the age of 12 & loving the freedom that riding a bike can provide. My family & I moved to the Perth Hills in 2006 & I started mountain biking back in 2008.Since then I have competed in countless XCO races & completed 5 Cape to Capes, several Dwellingup 100’s, many other marathon events in WA & interstate & even the odd gravity Enduro.I genuinely enjoy helping the club to stage our race events and also the friendships I have forged volunteering with a great team of people.
Tony Tucknott
Jennifer Wardle
Will Wishart
Rob Merrells
Mike Thorman
Iris O’Neil
Dena Rao
Stack (Stacie) Woodward
Tim Neeves
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